Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Third Grade Repeating and Growing Patterns

In order to teach repeating and growing patterns to my third graders, I use geometric tiles and pony beads for the first couple of days. My students learn best by using manipulatives so it's important to me for them to explore and use their imagination to begin with. My students love the pony beads the best. Each student creates a repeating pattern necklace and a growing pattern necklace to wear once completed.  When a staff member or student asks them about their necklace, they have to explain the difference between each necklace. Great way to check for understanding and have fun 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Area, Perimeter, and Fractions

My fourth grade students have been studying area and perimeter. I found an activity on Pinterest where students create themselves using square tiles. Once completed, they find the area and perimeter of their picture. They also found the fractional part of each color they used to create their picture. Three objectives in one activity!! Wow!!! The children absolutely loved this activity. 
As you will be able to see, they got very creative by adding personal things about themselves like eyeglasses, what type of shoes they were wearing(nike emblem), and hairstyles. The bulletin board turned out really cute! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I am so excited to share with you the nameplate I came up with today. It took a little trial and error but the outcome was super cute! I actually used PowerPoint and Jing ( a wonderful screen shot and copy/paste tool that I discovered on a teacher meeting trip!!!) if anyone would like for me to forward you the PowerPoint so that you can edit the name, leave your email address and I will be glad to send it to you. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Place Value

It's so hard to believe that school starts in two weeks. I always start the first day of school with place value.  It's a great day to get out the base ten blocks and start.  I give the students number cards and they have to model the number using base ten blocks. Not only do they have to model it, but they have to put it in word form and expanded form. We start in groups then go to individual work. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Perimeter and Area

Students have a hard time not confusing perimeter and area.  I decided to take it to the hall and do a group activity using the floor tiles.  I took painters tape and taped regular and irregular shapes on the floor.  Some of my students would forget where they started counting and double count resulting with an incorrect answer so I let them use Popsicle sticks to "mark off" where they had already counted.  They also had to draw off the shapes on graph paper to work the problem out. They loved the activity and had a much better understanding after this lesson. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Benchmark Numbers - Decimals

Benchmark Numbers is a hard concept for my students. However, I figured out a way that made my students understand it.  First, I decided to get my students out of their desks. I took masking tape and made a number line on the floor in the back of my room. I labeled 0, 0.50, and 1 on the number line. Then, the students wrote down different decimal numbers and they had to place it on the number line with no help from me. They had to discuss it in their group and figure it out. It was great. One of the best lessons I've taught. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Classroom Bulletin Boards

I have already started getting my classroom ready for the upcoming school year. I taught summer school, so I thought I would get a head start. My theme is jungle/safari. I absolutely love anything zebra print, so I get a little bit crazy with it sometimes.